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for Junior and Senior cycle school students

we're on a mission

to Create, Inspire and Instill the passion for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)

The STEM Education Policy 2017-2026, Department of Education - Ireland, aims to foster development of more engaged and digitally savvy society and a highly skilled workforce in areas of

Internet of Things , Big Data , Virtual Reality , Machine Learning , Digital Skills & Artificial Intelligence

about stem education metaverse

about stem education metaverse

Our intensive skills development programs are designed for Junior and Senior cycle students to cultivate their abilities and experiences to be successful in STEM disciplines - all with an eye towards winning admission to a top university.

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stem metaverse by the numbers

We believe that the best solutions come from the people who are most affected by the problem. We have dedicated our lives to working with these communities — providing whatever support they need in order to unlock their potential. 

best stem courses for kids

20000+ students

stem education for teens

1200+ teachers

coding school

100+ schools

robotics for kids

20+ not for profit

explore stem topics for kids and teens

Discover stem programs with 50+ topics

with a learner-centered approach and go beyond what's covered in most classrooms.



ICT & AP level Python, Java. Data Science & Machine Learning.

Front-end web and more!


Elementary, Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Trigonometry and more!


Raspberry Pi | Arduino | micro:bit

Internet of Things | W.R.O. & F.L.L

Vex & more


Blender | After Effects |  Video & Image Editing | UI UX & more


Roblox, Minecraft Education

Unity Engine | Unreal Education

JavaScript | Android & more


Early Industry exposure | Product development cycle | Business Proposals, Pitching & more

explore the stem learning path

Our learning paths

With Offline tech summer-camps, year-round Online live tutoring, On-demand videos and Entrepreneurship programs, we at STEM Education Metaverse are closer than you think!

best stem courses for kids.jpg

Summer Camps

It's time we prioritize fun with our next-gen & tech-boost summer camps 2024 near you

Online Class

Private Tutoring Lessons

Live Online Expert Mentors offer private lessons with flexible scheduling for over 50+STEM topics

Teenage Students

Entrepreneurship for TY

For Transition Year students, Work simulations with focus on business skills aspects.

choose a course by skill or by age group

Program outcomes

Learning outcomes include Computational Artefacts such as programs, games, web pages, simulations, visualizations, digital animations, robotics systems and mobile apps in the Post-Primary stage to Entrepreneurship courses in the Transition Year and more!

schedule a call with us

Unsure what your child will love?

Schedule a quick call with our Academic Advisor for a personalized assessment and recommendation based on your child's interests & learning curve.

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best coding courses for your child

Tech-courses to match all levels of ambition

High School Curriculum


International Baccalaureate(R) (IB) aligned CS course

best python course for kids

Ages 10 - 17yrs

High School Curriculum


I.B and IGCSE's aligned CS course

best python course for kids

Ages 13 - 17yrs

NCCE aligned

Artificial Intelligence

Age appropriate Supervised and Unsupervised Modules

best python course for kids

Ages 13 - 17yrs

Watch where you's

Machine Learning

Python pre-requisite. Learn with Image, Text recognition.

best python course for kids

Ages 13 - 17yrs

best creative skill courses for teens

Creative-courses for those Digital footprints

add AI driven VFX with

After Effects

Junior - Middle - Senior

3d animation with blender

Ages 13 - 17yrs

creative fun with


learn the social media favorite creative platform

3d animation with blender

Ages 10 - 15yrs

keep those brushes ready

3D with Blender

Start as a Challenger and become a pro

3d animation with blender

Ages 10 - 17yrs

become a professional at

Video Editing

Beginner to Advanced age-appropriate

3d animation with blender

Ages 13 - 17yrs

best irish after school programs for kids and teens

Let your Digital Age define what you wanna learn

Local Irish Enterprise partnered

fiontrai cliste

Industry exposure for teens to help choose their future career

entrepreneurship course for transition year

Ages 15 - 17yrs

add AI driven VFX with

After Effects

Junior - Middle - Senior

entrepreneurship course for transition year

Ages 13 - 17yrs

Financial Literacy can be fun

Intro to Investing

Financial goal setting, investment plan & evaluation

entrepreneurship course for transition year

Ages 15 - 17yrs

the eternal question is..

to C or C++

Precursor or Inspiration to all modern languages

entrepreneurship course for transition year

Ages 15 - 17yrs

keep those brushes ready

3D with Blender

Start as a Challenger and become a pro

entrepreneurship course for transition year

Ages 10 - 17yrs

Web applications with


Learn to use the Document Object Model

entrepreneurship course for transition year

Ages 13 - 17yrs

A system is more than the sum of its parts

Learn from inspiring teachers having rich industry experience with global leaders in technology. Our mentors are recognized as champions in their field by global not for profit governing bodies such as MIT App Inventor Foundation, US and the Micro bit Educational Foundation, UK.

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